Sports Injury Treatment in Ahmednagar

With increasing interest in sports and exercise in India, sports injuries have become very common. Injuries sustained during sports or exercise can limit the performance of a sports person and prevent him from achieving his full potential. These injuries if neglected may also lead to the development of arthritis. Dr. Prashant Kale has all the expertise and knowledge of Sports Medicine and excellent treatment for any kind of sports injury.

By utilizing the latest and modern techniques surgeries are done with minimal invasive for the elbow, knee, shoulder, ankle, and hip. Dr. Prashant Kale focuses to promote preventive care through wellness, fitness, and performance enhancement consultations. The skilled approach ensures safety and comfort in all aspects by making the treatment recovery process quick. That’s why Dr. Prashant Kale is Renowned as the best Sports Medicine Specialist in Ahmednagar.

Sports Injury Treatment in Ahmednagar | Dr. Prashant Kale

What is Sports Injury?

A sports injury is a type of injury that occurs during exercising or when a person is engaged in some kind of sports activity. A sports injury can occur due to many reasons like overtraining, failing to warm up, lack of conditioning, and improper form or technique that can result in Sports Injury.

What are the indications for seeing a Sports Medicine doctor?

Sports injuries are common in young and adults age. Various factors indicate the need for proper sports injury treatment is as:

  • Fractures in the bone
  • Ligament Injuries of the Knee or ankle (Sprain/ Strain)
  • Consistent pain in the affected area not improving with PRICE
  • Fractures in the bone
  • Ligament Injuries of the Knee or ankle (Sprain/ Strain)
  • Consistent pain in the affected area not improving with PRICE
  • Not able to move the injured part or put weight on the injured area, etc

What are different Sports Injury Managed By Dr. Prashant Kale?

Sports Knee Pain Management in Ahmednagar:

Sudden onset or acute knee injuries are usually the result of twisting or a hard impact and will likely involve ligament, tendon, or cartilage joint injury. Pain that comes on gradually can affect the front (anterior), back (posterior), inside (medial), or outside of the knee (lateral knee pain). Dr. Prashant Kale manages all types of Knee Pain conditions very effectively.

Shoulder Pain Management in Ahmednagar:

Shoulder injuries can be either acute or chronic depending on when they are diagnosed and how long the pain/disability has been felt. An acute shoulder injury occurs suddenly either through direct impact, overstretching a muscle, tendon, or ligament, overusing a muscle or tendon, or twisting of the shoulder joint. The top five most common categories of a shoulder injuries are listed below. Dr. Prashant Kale is one of the best shoulder Pain Management specialists who manage all types of Shoulder Pain.

Ankle Pain Management in Ahmednagar:

The most common ankle injury is a sprained ankle. However, there may be other complications that arise from ankle sprains that are not initially diagnosed. If you are unsure of having any of these symptoms then you should seek medical advice.

Arm & Elbow Pain Management in Ahmednagar:

Arm and elbow pain covers pain on the outside of the elbow (lateral elbow pain), inside elbow pain (medical elbow pain), pain at the back of the elbow, upper arm pain, and forearm pain..

Wrist & Hand Injuries Management in Ahmednagar:

The most common wrist and hand injuries are wrist sprains and fractures (broken wrist or broken finger). Sudden onset injuries are called acute injuries and are usually caused by a fall onto the hand with an outstretched arm or a forced twisting movement. If a broken bone (fracture) is suspected, then always seek medical advice immediately. Gradual onset injuries or chronic injuries occur over a period of time and often cannot be traced back to a single incident or cause.

How are sports injuries diagnosed?

Most sports injuries cause immediate pain or discomfort. As with overuse injuries, long-term damage may only be noticed later. Sports medicine doctors diagnose sports injuries by following these steps:

  • Physical examination. Your doctor may try moving the injured joint or body part. This helps them see how the area is moving, or if so, how it is not moving.
    Check the joint/body part for numbness or swelling.
  • Medical history. Your doctor involves asking you questions about how you were injured, what you were doing, what you’ve done since the injury, the steps you have taken to curb the pain, and more.
  • Imaging tests. Finally, to get an accurate diagnosis, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds can all help your doctor and healthcare providers see inside your body.

Follow these recommendations and monitor your symptoms. If it gets worse, it could mean you have a more serious sports injury.

Sports injuries treatment in Ahmednagar?

Treatment for sports injuries varies greatly depending on the type and severity. Many sports injuries heal in a few days or weeks with rest and home strategies. But for more serious injuries, treatment includes:

  • Immobilization with a cast, splint, sling, walking boot, or medical device.
  • Injections to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Prescription anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Surgery to repair a fracture or repair a ligament, tendon, or cartilage tear.
  • Physical therapy (also called rehab or rehab) to heal and strengthen the body from injuries.

Book an Appointment:

Dr. Prashant Kale is one of the best joint pain doctors in Ahmednagar who specializes in the management of different joint pain. For more information & an appointment or consulting you can contact us on 089810 08008 or Book an online appointment form.